So, the confident me has been totally humbled. I don't know what has changed over the past week or two, but our 10-month-old sweetheart has learned how to manipulate and throw tantrums with the best of them. I know that we are all born into sin, but I hadn't seen it so much before this, if that makes sense. Don’t get me wrong- she is still a sweet and wonderful girl most of the time, but now she has these terrible moments…sometimes many moments strung together…
Up to this point, discipline has been fairly easy: Using a calm, fairly quiet voice, and say the appropriate thing with the corresponding action. Be polite and concise, and try to put things in the positive when possible (telling what to do rather than what not to do).
“Please don’t
touch.” (move her hand away)
“Not in your mouth, please. Are you hungry?” (pull it out of her mouth and tap mouth gently with one finger)
“That’s Mama’s. Where’s [baby’s]______?” (help her find her things)
“That’s Daddy’s. Where’s [baby’s]______”
“Please come back here.” (retrieve her if she does not respond)
“We don’t eat books. Can I read it to you?” (remove book from mouth and read with her)
“Please don’t hit. Hitting hurts. Please be gentle.”(hold the hand and show it how to be gentle)
“Find something else to do, please. How about____?” (help her find a good activity)
“Please give it to Mama...(holding out hand or removing it from hand or mouth)…thank-you!”
Rather than drastically baby-proofing the house, we are training our daughter to know what she can and cannot do. We do still have a gate at the foot of the stairs and one cupboard that has a baby-proof latch for bleach etc. We say “nay-nay” instead of “no” for discipline and redirection and use “no” or “no, thank-you” as an answer to a question.
Last night, she bit my husband. I don’t remember the exact
circumstances, but she was lashing out in anger during Bible Study and bit him.
He immediately responded by removing her from the room and disciplining her. She
is still quite young and her discipline looks something like this:
Parent: (immediate response,
private if possible, using a stern, no-nonsense type face, and a low, calm
voice, while putting slight pressure on her bottom teeth) “Please don’t bite. Biting
hurts.” (Discipline is over, return to normal, though she may cry)
Last night, instead of responding in her usual way by turning
her behavior around after discipline, she began pointing at the doorway and
wildly screaming for Mama (to rescue her from Daddy). Now, at this point,
discipline for biting was already over, and discipline for screaming began.
(using a calm voice and tapping her mouth gently with one finger) We don’t
scream like that. Please use your quiet voice. (Wait until screaming stops, or calmly
repeat after a few minutes if necessary)
She continued to scream for several minutes and got herself
all worked up. She was tired and she may not have understood why she couldn’t
go to mama, since this isn’t a battle we have seen yet. I went to her with a
pacifier to help her calm down, but by entering the room, I was unintentionally
sabotaging the discipline my husband was administering. It is hard to refuse
that desperate cry for mama. When I realized what I had done, I tried to support
my husband, so I hugged her in his arms and told her to calm down, use her
quiet voice and listen to her daddy. I apologized to my husband for intervening,
handed him the pacifier, and left her screaming in his arms. Then I turned
around and walked out of the room. The screaming escalated and I was kicking
myself…if I hadn’t gone in there, she wouldn’t be doing this, I thought. Maybe
10 minutes later, the crying stopped and my husband emerged from the room with
a sleeping baby in his arms and all was well. When she woke up, she was the
sweet girl I know and love, and she and Daddy were on good terms.

Parenting is hard, even for a baby who is less than a year
old, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It would have been easier, and
more pleasant, if my husband had simply given her what she wanted by bringing her
straight to me when she screamed. However, it would have given her the clear
message that when she throws a fit, she gets the results she wants. That is not
the message we want to send, and my amazing and steadfast husband had the wisdom
to see it through to the end, despite his wife’s foolishness.
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